フィリピンの首都マニラを拠点とする活動家集団 Mobile Anarchist School のメンバーより、レイテ島における台風被害救援活動費用のカンパ呼びかけ文(日本語訳:準備中)
hi i'm cris,
"base on our meetings with some individuals here in manila particularly Mobile Anarchist School.. the typhoon was really destructive in all aspects..thousands of affected communities had a lot of needs in terms of foods, water, clothes/blankets, medicine, electricity/communication etc.
"base on our meetings with some individuals here in manila particularly Mobile Anarchist School.. the typhoon was really destructive in all aspects..thousands of affected communities had a lot of needs in terms of foods, water, clothes/blankets, medicine, electricity/communication etc.
we see that there's already a lot of aid concerning to provide foods, water,clothes,medicine but an immediate solution to provide electricity for communication and alternative media purposes was partially neglected, that's why our strategic plan of solidarity with this kind of natural calamities is to provide a free internet and free charging of mobile phones with the help of a solar power equipment..the aftermath of different calamities not only this "typhoon haiyan" is always lost of electrical power and lost of communication for our love ones. this kind of problem are need to address.
our plan is to travel and set up a booth firstly in tacloban city area and put up a 120watts solar panel with batteries,solar charger and inverter that will cost of 17,500pesos.
so if our international friends and comrades can raise funds for this equipment. we can make solidarity with the victims of this "typhoon haiyan". philippines are always directly affected by different natural calamities, a solar power equipment can always be use after there is a calamity.
just let us know if you are interested with this kind of solidarity direct action.."
Yeah please let us know..It would be great if could travel directly in visayas area.Others gave us there contact number from bacolod who are already been helping other affected areas.They said it would be great if we can travel together then gather some stuff that could be a big help, because we also don't want to give the donations in some org..and yeah sanitary napkin for female is also much needed, they always forgot to put it in their packs of donation so for anyone who will send some donation might as well include it.
that's for now.. keep in touch..
yakap. (hugs.)
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